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hmm? strange I can't get the blinking to work

Have you looked into the sample project for reference?

It has a working example for the blinking effect =)

Hi, the plugin is great, but I can't seem to get the 8 directional movements working. Is there a way to disable the 8D and use an alternative? Otherwise how can I get this to work at all? Been playing around with it for 3 days and still couldn't get it to work. Is it possible to have a sample of the 8D?

Hi there!

You can disable 8 directions by turning off the "Enable 8 Directions" parameter in the Plugin Manager. However, I have not tested and cannot support 8D with other plugins, since it's just too many things to consider to make my plugin compatible. I would recommend using the feature provided by the plugin.

To use the 8 directions, just make sure the "Enable 8 Directions" parameter is turned on, and that your spritesheet is compliant with the layout defined in the the "8 Dir Layout" parameter. Also, the spritesheet file name must contain the "[d8]" tag. Please read through the "8 Directions Sprites" in the help section for more details.

Unfortunately, I am unable to create a sample project or work on new features / plugins for a while. =(

The plugin seems great to me, really complete in terms of dynamic poses, I only have one problem and that is that I have another plugin that changes the sprite sheet when you change class or when you put on a "costume" once the change of the sprites is done. sprites the character returns to its previous format.

If added to that function I could use it in my project <3 I'm currently using MZ

Hello there! Sorry for the delay, I was without access to my PC for a few days...

Can you tell me (or send a link) to this other plugin you use?
I would need to take a look at how it works to see what can be done...

I have been having little time to code lately, and I already have a backlog of fixes, enhancements and new plugins, but I can definitely take a look! This plugin is one of my favorites, I would be happy to enhance it! XD

Hi, hi, it's this:

It's from Visustella, it's a class change and with it I can make clothing changes (versions of the character).

Change character sheets.

I was actually looking for something similar to this! Thank you for asking nushybryan and thank you taaspider for considering enhancing your (already amazing) plugin! Though the plugin I was going to ask about is different, being able to change sprite sheets would be a perfect fixed it!

Being it a Visustella plugin makes things a bit more complicated, since their code is obfuscated (and I can't look into it to adapt mine for a perfect compatibility).

However, looking at their plugin instructions, I think I may be able to do something so that checking their code would not be necessary (which may probably work for other plugins providing this same class change feature). Since it is a paid plugin though, I'm unable to run proper testings at this time. 

But tell me something... when you try to use CharacterPoses with Visustella's plugin, what happens?
It changes spritesheets successfully (just not taking into account the class change)? Or does Visustella's plugin prevent poses from working entirely?

If the spritesheets are swaped when a pose is triggered, I may be able to add some keywords to make them compatible (so that you can work with class changes). On the other hand, if the answer to the last question is true, than there's little I can do alone =/

It had been a long time since I had published it that I didn't remember very well what was happening with the plugins so I had to force it hahaha, basically when I change the class of the character the graphics change, but when he performs a pose like blinking or running the graphic restarts and the appearance of the character returns to the original, attached what happens (I tried to post images but it won't let me)

Sorry for the delay... I've been having little time to code and check on my messages =(

Ok... that is the behavior I expected. Reviewing my plugin's code, I think there may be a way to work around this without adding new code. It requires you to execute a few commands each time the class is changed, and you need to configure the alternate character sheets as new poses.

Let's say you have a sheet for the walking animation for Reid as a Knight (the default class), and another for Reid as a Mage. Setup a pose for each class (let's call them ReidKnight and ReidMage). Do the same for running and idle poses (ReidKnightDash, ReidKnightIdle, ReidMageDash, and ReidMageIdle).

Then, every time the character changes into the mage class call the plugin commands (or use script calls) to change the character default pose:

SetDefaultPose 1 ReidMage
SetDashPose 1 ReidMageDash
SetIdlePose 1 ReidMageIdle

The same when turning back into a knight:

SetDefaultPose 1 ReidKnight
SetDashPose 1 ReidKinghtDash
SetIdlePose 1 ReidKnightIdle

If you use the blinking feature, just have sheets for ReidKnight_blink and ReidMage_blink, for example, and be sure to set the blink pose with the %{char} tag (like %{char}_blink), so that the plugin will look for an image file according to the character file name.

I have not tested this though... I'll try to do it as soon as I'm able to, but if you manage to test it before please let me know the results!

Hi, Taaspider! Thank you for sharing this wonderful plugin! The plugin works perfectly when I do the playtest. But when I do the deployment and create a distribution package, the character in the game completely disappears. When I turn off the plugin the character shows again. I wonder the reason. Sorry for my bad English. 

OK, I have tested many times and found that when doing a deployment and creating a distribution package, if I choose to encrypt the image files, the characters disappear.


Oh I found the reason! When disable "check files first", problem solved. Sorry for the disturbing. Amazing Plugin! I really like it!

Hello there!

Hmmm... I may add an enhancement in the future to properly validate encrypted images. I'll add that to my to do list (no idea when I'll get to that though). But I'm glad you found a way around it! :)

Hi, Taaspider! I only want to say thank you for sharing this wonderful plugin. I really like all your plugins like BookMenu or MapTitleScreen. You have all my support. I will waiting for more. Thank you for all! :D (And sorry for my bad english... is not my first language)

Hello Marianna!
I'm really glad you liked it! Thank you for your feedback!! :D
I'm currently working on porting BookMenu to MZ (and also implementing a few improvements)... if all goes well, I plan to have it released in a few days. And following TAA_CharacterPoses, the next version of BookMenu will popup first here in ;)

Hi, Taaspider! :D

I have RPG Maker MZ but for now I'm standing in MV. I don't know... maybe I'm just afraid of change :'( .
This plugin is very powerful. I love the example gifs. Was love to first view! XD It's an amazing idea because it's true! Sometimes the characters looks so... robotic. (Sorry for my bad english...)
I tried to use it today. I'm a little (very) confused about how to use it. I understand the theory but the practice... Well... The help description is long... However I will try to make spritesheets for my characters and make it works. If I have a question or see a problem I will report to you. I will always encorage you and wait for new plugins. (Pray for you don't forget MV.)

Posdata: Tell U a secret? I will love prove a demo of this! A demo says more than thousand words.

Yes, this is a complex plugin. It's hard to describe in words how to use it properly. I'm actually working on a demo for it. It will take a few days, but I hope it make a more clear example on this plugin works.

Don't worry, I have no plans to abandon MV just yet! :)

Oh my god! Thank you very much for the demo, taaspider!!! :'D

You're welcome! :)