A downloadable tool

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This plugin is supported on both RPG Maker MV and MZ.

Sometimes we want something extra in our game's title screen. Maybe something moving, an animation, or have it change as the game progresses, showing a different scene according to some event happened in the most recent save story. This plugin allows you to have maps as your title screen, and use plugin commands to update which title configuration to use. For example, you can have two configs using the same page, but one with a fixed camera at a  certain point in the map, and another following a specific event as it goes around.

A new function introduced on version 1.2.0 is the ability to skip the title scene entirely, which can be useful for testing, but also allow you to create a game where the player is thrown straight into action when the game boots, and only then title scene becomes accessible!

Main Features

  • Create multiple title screen configurations and set which one to use as the game progresses;
  • Customize game title text, or even replace it with an image;
  • Customize the title commands window, changing its size, shape and placement on the screen;
  • Change game boot behavior, keeping the title screen or skipping it straight to a new game or loading the latest save;
  • Enable or disable each feature separately, so you can use game title or commands customization even if you don't want to use maps on your title screen;


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

TAA_MapTitleScreen.js v1.2.2 54 kB

Development log


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Is there a way to have the Title Commands window invisible (or not showing) until after something else happens? I'm trying to have pictures appear first, but the title command window shows up over top immediately.

Also, a lot of the screen is black. I have a parallax scrolling background, but it only shows up on the left side. Any idea why it's like that?

(1 edit)

will I be allowed to use this for commercial or non- commercial use

sorry for putting in that question I thought you would have your turn service not in the plug-in itself

No problem! Guess you already found the terms, but just in case...

All my plugins have their terms of use listed in the opening lines of the help section. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, you are allowed to use it for both commercial and noncommercial projects, just be sure to credit me for it. You are not, however, allowed to sell the plugin itself or any part of its code (you may only sell a game featuring it).

Thank you for replying Just so you know , I did find it rather surprising that you put the Is terms of use into the plug in's help section Because when I try doing research on plugins that allow me to make a commercial game without paying any fees It's where I ended up always running into either Ones that have no terms of use put on to the page there on Or in Your plug in's case the terms of use were in the help.I just found that confusing on why You did it just so you know


Cannot read property 'MapID' of undefined


Unfortunately I need more info to be able to help you. Can you confirm you have configured at least one map to use as the title scene?

If yes, can you post a print from your console so I can see the full error message?

Great plugin thank you! I'm not very artistically inclined so I love having the option to just turn one of my maps into the title screen. It's easy enough to use too. Is there a way to make the camera simply pan in a certain direction and stop at an x or y coordinate? I'd really like to do that but all I can see are the options for static and to follow an event.

Glad you liked it! :)
I guess an easy way to do that would add an event with empty sprites with a move route to go from point A to point B and stop there. Then setup your config to follow that event.

Can you try something like that?
You can have the event set to start parallel and after getting to its destination set a self switch and go to a new empty page. This way it will stay put and the camera won't move anymore.

It took a little tweaking of the event's speed but it works, thank you!